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Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Science has left people in bewilderment. As the poet expressed, during our childhood days we might have been mesmerized by the thought what is up in the sky. Not only children, even the grownups are haunted by these thoughts and this curiosity has led to serious missions, which ultimately resulted in the development of a new branch of science…… Astronomy. Here I am starting a new series with a humble attempt to shed some light on the unknown.


The age of the universe dates back to billions of years and no one is sure how all those things came to exist. Based on observations, scientists started to present their views of existence and the most prominent among them is the Big Bang Theory. The story or the concept dates back to billions of years ago… When there was nothing not even the outer space. Out of nowhere something pounced into existence and an expansion triggered the creation of our universe. This event is referred to as the Big Bang by Astrophysics and the concept is known as the Big Bang Theory.

Nobody has an authentic knowledge or an opinion on the same, everybody is trying a mode through which we can explain the creation of the universe in the best possible way. There could be a chance that everything was confined to an infinitesimally small size (no one knew from where this infinitesimally small matter popped up) obviously with an infinite density and all of sudden an unknown force caused a gigantic expansion paving way for the formation of the universe.

Nobody can prove to perfection this is how the universe is formed, but this is currently most accepted theory because this can explain the current expanding nature of our universe. Our universe is always growing, creating new heavenly objects and new particles every moment. Also the abundance of H2 (Hydrogen) and He (Helium) supports this claim. Hydrogen accounts for 75 percent and Helium the second most abundant element accounts for nearly 24 percent. So the next question that pops up in the mind is, “Is there no matter apart from these gases?” Yes, there are but the cumulative percentage of those elements will be less than a percentage.

Since we saw the expanding nature of the universe we can definitely ponder about the reverse behavior of the universe. That is growing in a negative direction that is compressing itself back to singularity. The Scientists believe that this is also possible after billions of years and we shall travel back to initial state. Since it is a matter of billions of years let us not worry for the moment. We shall travel in-depth to interiors of galaxies and its formation in my next episode. Till then good-bye.